Exploratory Block
When students have a say in their own learning they are more engaged and take ownership of their own learning. Students in grades 1-6 participate in an elective that meets every Thursday afternoon from 1:10-2:00 from October - February. Exploratory classes are centered around topics in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) areas and are active, hands-on classes. Class options from past years have included topics such as Music, Art, 3D Design, Musical Production, Cooking, and Coding/Robotics. The Exploratory session will culminate with the Exploratory Showcase during March Student Led Conferences in which students share their work with parents and the community.
Parents or community members who have expertise or interest in areas taught in Exploratory classes are encouraged to get involved in Exploratory classes by sharing their expertise with teachers and students. Information about classes offered and volunteer opportunities will be included in the Tiger Tails monthly newsletter during the school year.