We need parent volunteers all year long.
PTO Events
Chaperone field trips
Tuberculosis (TB) test results , and photo ID must be on file for volunteers that are:
Ongoing, long term: Volunteering at the school regularly, more than once a year
At school: Volunteering on school grounds or in the classroom, has access to privileged information
Face-to-face: Volunteering with direct contact with students
Fingerprinting and Background Checks are required for all volunteers that are participating in any role that may have the volunteer as the only adult with students, (i.e., supervising a group during a field trip)
FINGERPRINTING info: All volunteers for field trips or other unsupervised activities with students must complete fingerprinting. Download and print the form below and take it to a business that offers LiveScan Fingerprinting. Costs for fingerprinting range from about $70 - $100. Rose School PTO offers a limited number of sponsorships to support families in offsetting this cost - if you are interested in their sponsorship, please contact the school office.
Once Fingerprinting is completed bring the following documents to the school office for processing to become an approved volunteer:
Completed Fingerprinting Form - must be the form below with the district information completed
Drivers license or other legal ID
Current TB Test results
Please note that processing for volunteer applications can take up to 3 weeks so plan accordingly if there is an event you wish to participate in.
MUSD Volunteer approval only needs to be completed once, and applies to all Milpitas Unified schools.
All volunteers must have a current clear TB test on file with the school. TB test results are valid for four years. Parents with a current TB test on file do not have to provide additional copies of the clearance form. Updated test results can be turned in to the school office.